Initially asked to generate a design identity to structure the current portfolio of products, I managed to utilise the project’s findings and rationale to influence the strategy of not only the Design team, but also the business, from its Marketing team, to its branding, to its organizational structure.
This fact led to the creation of the first design strategy role within the company: a success story of Design having an impact in business management and strategy.
The project evolved into an Innovation & Portfolio Strategy that I created for Philips Consumer Lighting.
Creation of design guidelines for Product, Graphic and Packaging Design
Creation of marketing and communication guidelines.
Creative direction of Brand and Design departments.
Direction of groups responsible to implement the strategy.
Style Finder screenshot
Philips Lirio branding & design guidelines
You can see how the innovation and portfolio strategy had its effects on the business now by peeking at the Style Finder of Philips Consumer Lighting.
“Cristina is a very dynamic and diligent colleague, with which I had the pleasure to work in Consumer Luminaires when defining our Design Strategy. She was able to bring together trends in design, technology and business in an inspiring, storytelling design vision. Design thought leadership is her passion and she is determined to make a real difference.”
“Cristina is a very energetic lady that delivers inspiring creative views in very short times frames. It is inspiring to work with such an engaged person that is fully on top of todays rapidly changing world.”